Ok, bath time used to be Stockton's favorite time of the day, or night I should say. But now that I finished school I am home every night he seems to not enjoy it as much as he used to. He just loves his mommy that much I guess. (yes I am bragging, hehehe) Last night we had a bit of fun playing in the tub. His hair is getting so long. He gets his first hair cut next month and I don't know how I feel about it.


The Pattersons said...

Taylor did that too! she used to love the bath then she went through that stage of get me out and hold me. I thought I was getting ripped off because bath time she would be so content and then it became more work? what the hell??

Powerfoot, you ask? said...

All of the pictures that you recently posted of Stockton are precious!! He really is a cutie pie. It was so great to see you guys in October...hopefully we can make it up to UT again soon.