He loves stairs

Stockton loves playing in our room. We have these doggy stairs next to our bed for our fat dog Murphy to get up and down with. And Stockton loves to climb them, jump off of them, move them, really anything he can think of to do with them he will. When ever he is quiet we always know he is in our room waiting for us to come find and chase him. And when we do start to chase him he runs around our bed, climbs the stairs and hops on pillows. He thinks it's "safe" area. You know, like in tag when you were little. "you cant touch the sand but the the slide is "safe"? He is so cute!! He is always climbing, falling and jumping off of things. And yes with all the bruises, scratches, cuts and blisters to prove it. I started looking for gymnastics classes for him today. I think I found one and I cant wait to get him started.

1 comment:

Hyrum and Stacey Taft said...

Aren't little boys just such a joy?! My little Andy definately keeps me on my toes. Your little guy is so cute!