Just had to post this!!

So, Kayvon makes all of Stockton's food from scratch. One day when Stockton was about three months old I brought home this AWESOME book for Kayvon. Its all baby food, from 4-12 months. Its a cook book for anything and every kind of food. Now that Stockton's been eating solids (single purees) for two months we can bump him up to more mixes of food. Here are some cute pictures of Stockton helping Daddy pick out his meal plan for the next two weeks. MY BOYS ARE SO DANG CUTE!!!!!


Cambri Taylor and Macie Michele said...

So you guys really need to move down to Arizona so Kayvon can make baby food for us!

Cambri Taylor and Macie Michele said...

By the way...way cute picture on 'about your family' with all three of you. Great family photo!