Pictures from our 4th of July Family reunion....the Holt side
Just a bunch of pictures from the Holt side family reunion. It was a lot of fun seeing all the family. Wende, Todd and Macie stayed at our place for the time that they were in town. Maybe next time they come out we will stay at our place too! :)
A bit about us....
Kayvon works hard as a Program Director at a local rock station called 97.5 The Blaze. (The best rock station on the Planet!!) When he is not at work, he is at home with his family being the best husband, Daddy and friend any family could want or ask for. Kathryn stays home with Stockton and our dog Murphy during the day and is trying to figure out how to multitask...not one of her strong points. She is getting better and better at it every day. When Daddy gets done with work, he comes home and takes his turn while Mommy goes to school. She has only four months left. WOO HOO!!! Stockton;s job everyday is to find new ways to keep Mommy and Daddy on their feet. On the days that we are not working or going to school, we just love to hang out with one another and be a fmaily...where ever that might be.
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