Just a "Broke Back" Weekend

So this morning Kayvon left to St. George....without us. His good friend Danny is getting married, so all the guys are going camping. Kind of a "Broke Back" bachelor party if you will. Just kidding, although I did tell him he better come home with fish! He just laughed and walked out the door. I have left Kayvon home a few times while taking Stockton with me. Like California for my grandfather's funeral and then Arizona for my nieces 1 year birthday party. But it is much different when you are the one left home. Its crazy how I see him everyday and yet miss him as if he has been gone for weeks. I feel lonely, and a part of me wants to go poke Stockton awake so I can have some company. But I wont, instead Ill just turn off the computer, go upstairs and crawl into bed....our big, empty cold bed....sniff sniff. I cant wait for Sunday so we can see him again.

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